Friday, August 15, 2008

Tough, Sombre but True.

The title suggests it. These videos are titled "the immoral generation"


Part 2

Well, Just felt that we should all reflect upon these issues and not leave it hanging. Face it, not avoid it, and change.


Anonymous said...

Just an intellectual comment from an academic perspective:

What is "satanic"? What is a "cult"?
The two videos have not explained explicitly what these terms mean.

I am highly concerned of the biasness shown in these clips, where certain pictures have been unnaturally linked with labels such as "immoral" and "satanic".
I do not think these terms can be explained through visual illustrations.

At the root of this debate lies the fundamental task of defining, understanding and explaining some of the terms that this video has perhaps used too loosely.

Maybe you could explain with as much objectivity as you could afford what you really want to "change" in your statement: "Face it, not avoid it, and change".

"Child prostitution". "Abortion" and "Terrorism". What do these have to do with morality and the lack of it? Do elaborate on this as well.

Thank you.

FERRET said...

Ha firstly would just like to say I did not make these videos, just thought that some of the points mentioned are quite true, at least from my own perspective. Hmmm the exact definitions in the context of the film? Ha maybe you can contact the person who made this. I’d most probably have the same dictionary answer that you would have.

And you said that the root of the debate lies in the fundamental task of defining, understanding and explaining some of the terms that this video has perhaps used too loosely. Hmmm well, it might be true, but if u’re making a video, will you say “point 1 – immoral means lack of morals, or deviation from mainstream definition of morals” then go on to make your point? I don’t see much point in debating about definition when fundamentally, mainstream videos aren’t recorded debate sessions between XX university and YY university.

True, I don’t deny that some of the pictures in the video was disturbing. But what I agree to is probably the points mentioned. I guess some of the pictures were put in just to illustrate certain points. Like “satanic” simply means something to do with satan ie of satan. One of the pictures show “church of satan”… isn’t that related to satan? I mean its just something which someone else use to illustrate his point.

(the following point may sound off track) My concern now is why is it that people so loosely watch and accept videos, advertisements, dramas, movies, etc everywhere and they do not comment or question about them, but only on such issues will one vehemently comment on it? Take for example the visual illustrations. Like some advertisements, when they are trying to sell inanimate things like rings, or jewellery and they add a sexual scene to it. etc etc.which is completely not in sync with the message. Do you comment on them or accept them as they are? Do you question their definition of jewellery and how loosely they associate these things? What makes touchy issues so touchy and yet certain issues appear “numbed”?

Morality and child prostitution, abortion, terrorism is an age old argument. Let me start with some dictionary definitions if you really want. Oxford dictionary says that morality = principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behaviour.

So, putting it in a more simplistic way: if you think something is wrong = immoral, something is right = moral. So if you think child prostitution is right, then you can say it is moral to do it and I’d have nothing to say. If you say it is wrong for child prostitution, then it is an immoral act. And the fact that there is increasing incidence and having more and more child prostitution cases / syndicates worldwide shows 2 things. 1) more people are catching / selling / offering children and 2) more people are searching for children to do whatever they want to them. So when the video puts a title “the immoral generation” I guess they’re trying to portray that our generation is getting more immoral in the sense that there are more people who are immoral. Of course you can argue that you cant compare with our forefathers’ time cos no statistics or whatsoever, but there is definitely an increasing trend in our generation, ie our world now.

abortion. everyone has different views on it. but fundamentally, abortion is killing of a life. yet there is an increasing incidence of people who abort babies just because they do not want to be tied down by a child, (well many various reasons, but I can tell you elective abortion ie by choice not cos of rape etc is the majority of the cases we see in the hospital. this is the case worldwide too). The fact that more people is thinking that it is ok to do such a thing, it is ok to kill a life and do it without much thinking and consideration, you call that moral? it has everything to do with morality and lack of it!

Objectively speaking, if you are the government and you see an increase in chaos in your country like thefts, robbery, won’t you be more concerned? The only right and objective thing to do is to try to reduce the crime rate and let everyone else have peace. Likewise, if you see a lack of morality in the world, would you want a change? This is pure logic nothing subjective or objective about it. of course, if you want to ask me HOW to change then that is subjective. but if you want a real real objective answer then well, increase in abortion rates will eventually lead to decrease replacement rates, which is exactly what is happening in Spore. And with it comes ageing population etc etc. Terrorism and child prostitution brings social issues, disrupt peace etc etc.

You won’t want to change it?

Forgive me for being blunt but I really guess there is nothing much to debate about. If you really want to then you’d have to talk about the mass media approaches, how they sway the populations to and from their messages, etc etc. Cos the fundamental thing is that all these are videos. Whether the terms are loosely used and ill defined in this video or in movies like “money no enough” they are to be compared on the same level.