Sunday, November 30, 2008

My nephew... so CUTE!

I can't help but post this KISS KISS POOH POOH erhm well that is really his idea of KISS.


And this video. He's already learnt this new skill... so be careful if u invite him to ur birthday party, u'd have fun...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


How nice would it be if one could stop time now.
How wonderful would it be if i could stay as sharp, if not sharper than before.
How good things would be if things are less regimental.
How perfect would it be if i am not sucked by the seemingly endless work and deviate from Him.


Yet we forget that each day, every second, no matter how little (or "not enough") it may seem, is a mercy from the all-Loving One.

AND its really weird how each of us waste these precious seconds unknowingly, only to regret much later.


STUCK seems to be the word that is jarringly sticking out now.

HOW... ...

And yes, God is definitely training me how to be not ashamed to ask for help, how to learn to trust Him and rely on Him.


Sunday, November 16, 2008

Nibbles of Thoughts - On 13 Nov

Shall blog now. Cos I'm really very sian in this lecture. It is all about trials and so on... Got so many things to remember, still can remember all the nicely named trials? Am really glad I have my PDA with me.

Today I saw how an old parent cried for his middle aged son. The old Chinese saying of "white haired person sending off black haired person" Am really not sure how to react to these scenarios. I trust in the power of God. I know He can do miracles. Yet in such situations, should I pray for alleviation of suffering, salvation or healing? Of Course, salvation is key, yet I'm really lost. But guess will just trust the Holy Spirit to guide the prayer in such circumstances. Perhaps should ask my cell leader about it...

What a change in dynamics, guess when people are attached, they behave differently. Ha Really zhong se qing you. But I guess its all natural

But I guess it needs practice to be always aware of God's presence. Cos we're all self centred, always going back into our comfort zone, back to our old habits. Its like teaching the old dog new tricks. Whateva

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Yes, I must say I am not the free-est person around, but I just realised something that did not occur to me and just felt like writing something about it.

It is a whole new paradigm shift. Well, no. I knew of this before, yet i think either i conveniently ignored it or that it didn't hit home.

I have never experienced this, but I am beginning to. Made me realise how I have treated Him as any other person, going to Him only when I need Him or when I think I need to talk to Him. Yet, He is omnipresent. And yet many of us just shut Him out of our doors when we're going about our daily business and opening our doors to Him when we feel like it or we feel we're ready. Yet He is not some isolated person but He is always there.

Omnipresence is the keyword.