Saturday, August 09, 2008

The Floppy Infant

Once again, this might be an emo post. Guess i'd only pen down the more emo stuff usually. So beware...

Starting my revision postings... We've to build up the exam mood, we're trying to race against time to see as many cases as possible, so much so that we plunge into case after case. Yet, caution! Take a step back, take a moment to reflect...

As I look at them, i'm reminded of why i had wanted to do paediatrics. Helpless, powerless are they. A whole life ahead of them, yet just one irresponsible parent, just one stroke of bad luck, just one infection, they'd be a dependent for the rest of their lives...

Have seen a very cute baby during tut. Did all the necessary examination, thought he was normal, except probably his occiput was flatter than usual. Yet when we looked at the MRI, i realised, he might remain that "cute" forever... Development will be impaired, especially of the brain. Intelligence, motor function, personal social, might not advance any more. His brain might compensate, might rewire, or it might not. How true the saying is: what is done, cannot be undone.

Who then will help these helpless ones?

I always think that we are held responsible for the gifts God has given us. If u're given more, you're expected to use more of what you have (blessings, gifts etc) to help others who have less. It is a fair system. So perhaps, it is better to be less smart? At least there'd be less responsibility ha.


so anyway, i'd see where He leads me...

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