Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Chinese Drama Production "Life No Take 2"

For details, contact me! :P The following synopsis is taken from

Story Outline

Upon invitation, a famous director is flying back to Singapore from the United States to direct a large scale drama performance Blood Offering, which tells the story of the suffering of Jesus Christ. The lead female actress is a well-known star. Unknown to the public, this enviable pair is actually undergoing divorce proceedings. A once famous singer involved in the drama is battling depression, thus affecting her performance. The director is considering to remove her role. A hardworking and positive young actor is haunted by his past of being an abandoned baby. A cheerful and helpful man fails to reciprocate his wifes care and concern. His neglect caused her to have an asthma attack during one of the rehearsals. A rising newbie is proud and stubborn, having constant arguments with the director. In the midst of preparing for the impactful life-changing drama Blood Offering, changes in the actors lives are also unfolding


故 事梗概: 知名导演李豪受邀从美国飞回新加坡,执导讲述耶稣受难故事的大型舞台剧《血祭》。饰演剧中女主角的是当红艺人思灵,这对令人羡慕的艺坛佳偶正在办理离婚手 续。曾红极一时的歌手惠芸深受忧郁症的困扰,表现不在状态,导演考虑换人。勤奋上进的恩赐原是一弃婴,心中有难以抹去的阴影。开朗热心的庆生却忽略对妻子 的关爱,以致雅丽哮喘病发在排练场。新晋艺人华杰桀骜不驯,常与导演顶嘴……在排练这部意欲感动生命的《血祭》中,他们的生命在发生着改变… …

人 物

恩赐:男。21 岁。初级学院学生。

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